Guys, being fat is a very bad experience because I asked from one of my friends who was very fat or we can say obese. And he said that I was joke for the people who made fun of me. And they always teased me because I was too fat at that time. And was unable to do activities like running and playing cricket or football. So, his words inspired me to create a helpful blog.
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So let's start with some tips. Now, I will give you 10 tips: -
Tip no. 1:- Eat a high protein breakfast.
Tip no. 2:- Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice.
Tip no. 3:- Drink water before meals.
Tip no. 4:- Eat soluble fiber.
Tip no. 5:- Base your diet on whole foods and eat slowly.
Tip no. 6:- Be on a balanced diet as it helps you in giving your body nutrition and also strength to do hard exercises. As, when you think of fat loss the main thing that comes is hard exercises.
Tip no. 7:- Be on a proper routine or follow the proper routine. What I meant was that make your proper workout schedule. And follow it properly this will help you in getting
a ripped body.
Tip no. 8:- Stay hydrated every time. As this keeps your skin glowing and your body ripped. And from this you will never feel fatigue or tired. It will always keep you fresh and active.
Tip no. 9:- Don't consume the harmful energy drink that you buy from the market. As it is very costly and also harmful for your body. Because it contains caffeine that makes you an owl because caffeine consumption takes your sleep away from you.
Tip no. 10:- Don't consume the protein powder that you buy from the market because it spoils your digestive system. Instead of these protein powder use whey protein. As whey protein easily gets digested in your body.
Now, if we talk about fat then there are two types of fat:-
1) healthy fat.
2) Unhealthy fat.
If you have healthy fat in your body then you can easily reduce it. But, if you have unhealthy fat then it will not be easy for you to lose your fat.
Now, the most important thing that matters during weight loss is that how fast or how slow your Metabolism is?
Now, the question comes that what is metabolism and how to know either our metabolism is slow or fast?
So, the answer is If your metabolism is "high" (or fast), you will burn more calories at rest and during activity. A high metabolism means you will need to take in more calories to maintain your weight. That's the reason why some people eat more than others without gaining weight.
Now, I will recommend you some diets that are effective in weight loss:-
1- Intermittent fasting.
2- Plant- based diet.
3- Low carbs diet.
4- The paleo diet.
5- Low- fat diet.
6- The mediterranean diet.
7- WW (weight waterers) diet.
8- The DASH diet.
9- KETOGENIC diet.
10- High protein & low- carbs diet.
Now, I will tell you some foods that will help you in losing your weight:-
●》Boiled eggs.
●》Weet- bix.
●》Big breakfast.
●》Fruits and yoghurt.
●》Overnight oats.
●》Scrambled eggs and veggie fast.
●》Green tea.
Now, I will tell you some exercises that are highly effective in weight loss:-
1- Walking.
2- Jogging and running.
3- Cycling.
4- Weight training.
5- Interval training.
6- Swimming.
7- Yoga.
8- Pilates.
9- Plank.
10- crunches.
Now, the best part comes in and that is Remedies for weight loss. So, lets end this blog with some Remedies:-
Weight loss remedy 1:- Drinking Lemon water with honey.
Weight loss remedy 2:- Cinnamon and honey infused tea.
Weight loss remedy 3:- Chewing raw garlic.
Weight loss remedy 4:- Staying hydrated.
Weight loss remedy 5:- Sleeping for 8 hours continously.
The remedies I told you are 100% working and there are evidences that they are highly effective in weight loss. So, do follow these things I told you in this blog to get awesome results.
Thank you for reading.......