Guys today, I am going to tell you that how can you increase flexibility in your body and get more flexible. As nowadays being flexible is important if you are a sportsperson or a fitness freak because most of the people love to have a calisthenics body as it is more flexible and attractive. So lets start with:- What is flexibility or flexibility meaning or flexibility definition?
Guys flexibility is the range of motion in a joint or group of joints or the ability to move joints effectively through a complete range of motion. Flexibility training includes stretching exercises to lengthen the muscles and may include activities like yoga or Tai Chi. Also yoga plays a major role in a flexible body. Because when we do yoga we give a gentle and effective stretch to our muscles that is why people who do yoga are fit, healthy and fair.
I hope you enjoyed and understood reading flexibility meaning or flexibility definition. Now, lets go with the flexibility exercises and flexibility asanas that I am going to share with you. So lets go:-
So, first of all lets start with some flexibility asanas:-
Flexibility asana 1:- (Dhanurasana) also called The Bow pose. This asana is very good for your back as it brings flexibility in your back and also strengthens your back and gives relieve from severe back pain. It stretches your Abdomen, Thorax, Inguinal region, Ankle, Throat, Psaos major muscle.