Guys, having a good digestive system is compulsory when you are trying to be fit and healthy or you are trying to gain weight. This is because most of the diseases starts from your stomach. So, it is compulsory to have a good digestion for everyone.
Now, I will share some tips and remedies with you about how to fix your digestive system. So, lets start with some tips:-
Try this ashwagandha out it will help you to build immunity naturally. It is the best and I also use it⤴⤴:-
Tip no. 1- If you are having bad digestion or you are supposed to go platform after every meal. So, you have to one thing and that is Drink 1 or 2 glass of water as it helps you to increase your pressure. In my suggestion drink charged water (Charged water is normal water that is kept in a copper jug in the night and get consumed in the morning).
Tip no. 2- If you are not able to digest normal meals then you should add fiber rich food to your meals and also stop eating too spicy and oily as these type of foods harms your digestion. You can also add a fruit to your daily diet as it provides you fiber.
Tip no. 3- If you cannot digest heavy meals then you can take have a little amount of jaggery (gud) after every meal as jaggery is a good source of iron and also helps to digest heavy and oily food.
Tip no. 5- Do the Vajraasana after eating food any time but the best time for doing this asana is in morning or in night but after eating food.
Now, I will share some remedies with you that will help you in building your immunity as well as a great digestion:-
Remedy no. 1- For this remedy you need the following ingredients:-
1) Cumin seeds (zeera).
2) 200 ml of water.
Now, take a container pour 200 ml of water in it. Now, add the cumin seeds in it. After that keep it for boiling on a medium flame till the water becomes yellow and half in quantity. After that sieve it in a glass and have it.
Remedy no. 2- This is a simple remedy as in this you have to take ajwain or saunf and you have to chew them till it converts into juice.
Remedy no. 3- Chew the food properly that you eat as the idol no. For chewing one bite of food is 32 times.
Remedy no. 4- Have variation in your diet like if you are eating roti and sabji for 5 to 6 days then you have to eat chapatis for 1 day thats because if you eat same food regularly so it cam harm your digestion.
So, these were some remedies that will help you in getting a strong digestive system.
Thank you for reading.....