
Haircare:- Routine and solutions.

 Guys, hair I think is the most noticed part of our body as well as the most prior part also. Because, if you are underweight, overweight or you are too dark it does'nt matters because if you have healthy, shining and proper hair then you will look good. Your hair gives you a finishing look. So, today I will share some remedies on different types of hair problems and also a proper haircare routine for you.

Now, the routine I am giving you for your hair is the best routine if you want healthy hair:-


Sunday:- You have to shampoo+condition your hair and when you shampoo and condition your hair do not put oil on you hair.(note that you use mild shampoos and conditioner only).

Try this mild shampoo it has awesome results if you have hairball and rough hair. Cheapest and 100% herbal⤴⤴:-

Monday:- You have to put oil on your hair and leave it like that.

Tuesday:- You have to mask your hair with natural aloe vera that is present in your garden.(Only if they are dry & rough otherwise put oil on it and leave it alone).

Wednesday:- You have to put oil on your hair and leave it like that.

Thursday:- You have to shampoo+condition your hair. 

Friday:- You have to put oil and leave your hair alone.

Saturday:- Do same as you have done on friday.

     (Repeat till you get good results and
                             healthy hair)

Now, After this routine I would like to share some important tips:-

1) Use coconut, almond or tea-tree oil on your hair only. If you cannot afford these oils use mustard oil.

2) Use only mild shampoo on your hair as mild shampoo contains only natural ingredients no harmful chemicals.

3) Mask your hair with aloe vera atleast once in a week.

4) Don't use harmful hair colours like blonde and silver.

5) Do headstand atleast 5 minutes daily as it increases the circulation in your head and your hair starts growing very fastly.

Now, I will share some solutions for different types of problems:-

Problem no. 1:- (Hairfall)- If you are suffering from hairfall problem then the most effective remedy for this is:-

●》Eat curry leaves in early morning and chew them till they become juicy.

Problem no. 2:- (White hair)- The most effective remedy for white hair is the tea remedy and for that you need following ingredients:-

1) Tea leaves.

2) 200 ml water(as per the length of your hair).

Now, take a container and pour the water inside the container and add 1-2 teaspoon of tea leaves in it. After 15 minutes take it and keep in a normal temperature and let it be cool. After it gets cool rub it on your scalp and hair gently. This boost the melanin production in your hair and melanin is the substance that is responsible for your hair colour.

Problem no. 3:-(Dandruff)- The most effective remedy for your dandruff is the lemon oil remedy and for this you have to take half lemon and add it to your regular oil that you put on your hair.

Problem no. 4:-(Rough hair)- The most effective remedy for rough hair is to mask your hair with aloe vera and wash it after 30 minutes using a mild shampoo.

So, these were the problems and their solutions and I hope that it will help you. And please do comment and suggest me ideas and your problems so that I can help you with writting blogs on your demand.

Thank you for reading......

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